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 Delivering Covers, Like No Other 

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We're a bunch of day-job working stiffs who love playing fantastic cover songs from every generation.


A great mix of songs your patrons are guaranteed to enjoy... but with a twist.... with a violin, a mandolin,

and a tenor guitar named Audrey.  


Our fans are from all around Barrington, Wauconda, Grayslake, and other towns around this triangle of music mecca.

Wherever we go, there you are, having fun!


Let's do this!

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We are No Filter!

Do You Have a Filter?  We Don't.


This is us!


Matt Myren; rhythm guitar, lead vocals, and Guinness.  Always ready to sing, dance, and remove that filter!


"Easy to like" Dan Bejnarowicz, on the mandolin, the electric mandola and assorted other funky stringed instruments.


Margaret Myren, kickin' ass mother of four boys, because "what doesn't kill you makes you strong" on vocals and violin.



The multi-talented Brad Madison.  He can sing, harmonize & hold the steady beat, all at the same time!


John "Just never give the bass player the mic" Cidulka riffing on bass.



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